Septic System Inspections Make Sure All Components Are In Good Working Order
Septic tanks and drain fields function as private wastewater treatment systems on rural properties. These tanks must be pumped periodically to prevent the containers from becoming too full, which can lead to a sewer backup. After pumping all the waste, the technicians climb inside and thoroughly inspect the equipment. Septic system inspections are essential for identifying problems that have developed or appear imminent.
Municipal and Rural Systems
In municipalities, flushing a toilet sends wastewater through an underground sewer pipe on the property and then to a pipe under the street. It continues to travel to the municipal wastewater treatment plant. Water from the sink drains, shower, dishwasher and washing machine all go this route as well.
In contrast, on rural properties, the wastewater goes into a septic tank relatively near the house. Some tanks are buried while others are above ground. The liquid is filtered to a leach field, while other solid materials either sink down or float on top.
Evidence of Improper Usage
Even before the workers pump the tank, they might see evidence of improper usage after opening the lid. A common sight is tampons floating on the liquid surface. Some rural property owners don't realize that septic systems are not intended to manage feminine hygiene products and other materials that don't degrade quickly. This may end up causing backup issues in the tank if these habits continue to occur. Too many nondegradable objects can cause the container to fill up more rapidly than expected. The workers will generally discuss this problem with their customers, letting them know that only toilet paper and waste should be flushed.
Performing the Inspection
After pumping is complete, the technicians perform the inspection. They look over pipes and baffles to make sure all components are in good, working condition. The technicians might discover tree roots invading the system. This is a common problem, just as it is for homes connected with a municipal treatment system. The workers cut the roots away and apply herbicide to prevent further root growth. You can be rest assured that this is not harmful to the trees.
Concluding Thoughts
Country homes are some of the last places to have indoor plumbing since a private sewage system is necessary. The tank, pipes to the drain field, and the field itself all must be constructed on the property. With so many people wanting to live a rural life recently, septic technicians keep busy installing systems, pumping tanks, and performing inspections. For more information about septic system inspections, contact a local business near you to learn more.