Addressing Your Slowing Septic System
If your home's septic system is not working correctly, it can be a sizable plumbing problem that has the potential to cause damage to the home and property as well as create performance issues with the interior plumbing.
A Septic System Backup Can Gradually Cause Your Plumbing To Slow
It can be a fortunate reality that septic system backups are likely to be an issue that will develop fairly slowly. In many instances, a homeowner may notice that their drains are gradually slowing over the course of several weeks or even months before they become completely obstructed. For an observant homeowner, this can potentially give them time to have this issue corrected before a clog is able to move deep into the drainfield of the system as this could be far more difficult to correct.
Pumping The Septic System Backup Should Be The First Step For Repairing This Problem
When your septic system is starting to slow, the first step a homeowner should take to repair this issue is to have the tank pumped. This will remove much of the solid waste and other debris that is potentially slowing the flow of water through the unit. Unfortunately, there are homeowners that may attempt to correct this problem through the use of additives that can help to speed up the decomposition process of solid waste in the tank. However, there are limits to the effectiveness of these additives, and they may even be able to make the problem worse by causing instabilities with the population level of the bacteria in the septic tank. In addition to removing blockages from the system, this pumping work may also restore the capacity of the septic tank. As the unit fills with solid waste, it will be able to hold and process more limited amounts of water.
There Are Some Materials That Can Be Particularly Likely To Cause A Septic System To Get Backed Up
It is important to appreciate that there are some materials that will be particularly hard on the septic system. Being aware of these materials can help you with minimizing the amount of them that is able to enter the drains and septic system. In particular, grease is an extremely damaging substance for septic systems as it can be thick and sticky enough to easily clog the supply and drain lines from the septic tank. Due to the problems that grease can cause, homeowners may be tempted to install grease traps that will be able to collect the grease so that it will not enter the septic tank.
If you have further questions, get in touch with a septic system backup pumping service for help.