An Overview Of Septic Tank Pumping
The septic system works efficiently and safely only if you maintain it properly. Regularly pumping the septic tank is one of the necessary maintenance tasks. Below is an overview of the septic pumping process.
Locating the Septic Tank
If you don't know the septic tank's location, the first step is to locate it. You can use several methods for the process. For example, patchy yard sections might point to thin soils like those on septic tank lids. A soil probe can also detect the lid. Your home's property records may also have the location. Your septic contractor can help locate the tank.
Opening the Cover
The contractor will remove the topsoil or vegetation above the cover. Next, they will open the cover using relevant hand tools. The difficulty of this task depends on the cover's condition. For example, a rusty and stuck cover is more difficult to open than a cover in pristine condition.
Inspecting the Tank
The next step is to inspect the tank. During the inspection, the contractor will check for visible damage, risks, and effluent levels. For example, abnormally low effluent levels might indicate a leaking tank. On the other hand, abnormally high effluent levels indicate blockage.
Secondly, the workers must be careful around damaged tanks or lids. A damaged tank might be surrounded by subsidence areas.
Pumping the Tank
The next step is the actual pumping, where the contractor and crew use a vacuum pump to suck out the effluent. The workers will insert a large hose into the tank through the cover opening (the manhole). The workers then start the pump, which sucks out the effluent. The crew should stir the tank's contents to break them up for easy pumping even as the pump runs.
Cleaning and Covering the Tank
The workers then clean the tank to remove any remaining effluent. Lastly, the crew will replace the tank cover if it's still in good condition. Otherwise, you must replace the cover because you should always seal the tank as a safety measure and avoid environmental pollution from septic effluent.
You should suspect that your septic tank needs pumping if your drains are slow, you notice water in the yard, or your house smells like sewage. You should also inspect and pump the tank if you haven't done so for a long time.
Reach out to a professional in your area for more information about septic pumping.